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Media Career Consulting | GC.NYC |  Geraghty Creative


Looking for your first media job and don't know where to start? Switching to self-employment and need a game plan? 

With 12 years of experience and stand out success in NYC's competitive media market, Emily can help you turn your dream into a reality with a customized, actionable plan.

 Emily Behind The Scenes | GC.NYC |  Geraghty Creative

Work with us.

Woman Owned-And-Operated Production in NYC | GC.NYC |  Geraghty Creative
Emily Behind The Scenes | GC.NYC |  Geraghty Creative

“Emily was incredibly helpful in teaching me how to navigate the menu settings on Sony cameras.

She patiently guided me through each feature and function, making sure I understood how to use them effectively. My learning experience was not only informative and helpful, but also fun. She made it an unforgettable experience!”

- Jenna M., Freelance Camera Operator

Emily Picture | GC.NYC |  Geraghty Creative

"I have checked every corner online and some things you just have to learn from other people's experiences.

Emily helped me see what those directions realistically look like and how I can utilize my
resources. I have checked every corner online and some things you just have to learn from
other people’s experiences. Really happy and excited to apply everything I learned.
Thank you so much!"

- Rocky P., Aspiring Video & Photo Producer

Emily Glamour | GC.NYC |  Geraghty Creative

"Emily's way of organizing shot lists has been a
game-changer for my photography shoots. It's really
helped me nail down the essentials and stay focused.

Their warmth and encouragement, coupled with their willingness to share stories of success
and failure, strengthened my belief in my abilities even further. Her energy is infectious and
her passion for her craft shows at every step."

— Rishika N., Photographer expanding into Video Production

Emily | GC.NYC |  Geraghty Creative


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Contact us

Or send us an email at emily @ gc . nyc

Contact us

Or send us an email at emily @ gc . nyc

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